Equi-note 28 Horseshoeing-clip problems

Equi-note 28 Horseshoeing-clip problems Horseshoeing-clip problems Why are clips needed? Clips are raised portions of the shoe made at different locations around its frontal perimeter. According to American Farriers Journal, a number of farriers/blacksmiths justify them for the following reasons: That they: Reinforce the nail work Reduce slippage/twisting of the shoe during shoeing Stabilize […]
Equi-note 27 Horseshoeing-the scandal exposed at competitions

Equi-note 27 Horseshoeing-the scandal exposed at competitions Source: Equinamity.co Horseshoeing-the scandal exposed at competitions This post shows evidence of poor horseshoeing quality at international competitions. As can be seen in the above photos. The hooves shown in this section are from leading international competitors principally in Grand Prix Dressage, 3-Day Event and Show Jumping. Extensive […]
Equi-note 26 Horseshoeing-why is it a scandal?

Equi-note 26 Horseshoeing-why is it a scandal? Horseshoeing-why is it a scandal? Introduction The selection of photos shown above indicate a range of shoeing problems. They range from incorrectly fitted clips, incorrect angles, both lateral and anteroposterior, incorrect rasping of sole and toe, and inappropriate shoe type. In addition, one of the hooves shows […]
Equi-note 25 Horseshoeing-an International Scandal

Equi-note 33 Horseshoeing-an International Scandal Equi-note 25-an International Scandal Why are so many of the world’s top horses being lamed, their welfare and their performance quality damaged by defective shoeing? Like the examples shown above and below. Three of these are leading international competitors in Grand Prix Dressage and 3-Day Eventing. Horseshoeing-an International Scandal The […]
Equi-note 24 What is rein pressure?

Equi-note 24 What is rein pressure? Rein pressure on a trotting racer Minimum-2n maximum-44n Note: left rein/red and right rein/blue show median rein tension in newtons/n. (1 kg/weight equals 9.8 N/force).There are approximately ±36 peaks in 12 seconds, or ±3 peaks per second. Source: “Associations between driving rein tensions and drivers’ reports of […]
Equi-note 23 Hyperflexion-rollkur-damages the horse’s teeth

Equi-note 23 Hyperflexion-rollkur-damages the horse’s teeth Source: top photo: dianefollowell.com; middle photo: horseproblems.com.au; bottom photo: [email protected]. Equi-note 23 Hyperflexion-rollkur-damages the horse’s teeth This is a difficult issue to try and pin exclusively on the rollkur problem. This is because tight nosebands, ill-fitting tack and hard hands are also identified with other forms of riding. However, […]
Equi-note 22 Hyperflexion-rollkur damages the horse’s visibility

Equi-note 22 Hyperflexion-rollkur damages the horse’s visibility Source: photo on left El Sevier, wp: photo on right Captive Animals Protection Society; wp Equi-note 22 Hyperflexion-rollkur damages the horse’s visibility In the two top images, on the left shows the visual field in front of a horse when allowed to carry its head naturally. On the […]
Equi-note 21 Hyperflexion-rollkur can damage the horse’s neck causing osteoarthritis

Equi-note 21 Hyperflexion-rollkur can damage the horse’s neck causing osteoarthritis Source: Library.academialberti.de Equi-note 21 Hyperflexion-rollkur can damage the horse’s neck causing osteoarthritis Previous posts have referred to damage created by constricting the trachea. This affects the horse’s ability to breathe and has an effect on the speed of the airflow. However, in addition, there are […]
Equi-note 20 Hyperflexion-rollkur-the horse is more conflictive because faster airflow is more turbulent and abrasive

Equi-note 20 Hyperflexion-rollkur-the horse is more conflictive because faster airflow is turbulent and abrasive Source: “Numerical simulation around a realistic generic car model with different rear profiles” by E. Guilmineau, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, HAL Id: hal-01202486 [email protected] Jun 2014. open access Equi-note 20 Hyperflexion-rollkur-the horse is more conflictive because faster airflow is […]
Equi-note 19 Hyperflexion-rollkur-the horse is more conflictive because extra needed air gets caught in two key entrapment areas

Equi-note 19 Hyperflexion-rollkur-the horse is more conflictive because extra needed air gets caught in two key entrapment areas Respiratory tract obstructions Source: “Airflow mechanics in models of equine obstructive airway disease under conditions simulating exercise” by Warwick Bayly 1997; wp The authors provide the following comments on the above chart: “It shows that […]